Curso de Inglés jurídico en directo / Live online legal English course

Curso online de 20 sesiones de 1.5 hora de duración los viernes de 17:00 a 18:30. La fecha de inicio queda por acordar (prevemos el 3 de Febrero).

Abordara el lenguaje de todas las áreas claves de derecho. Ya que por su naturaleza técnica, este curso requiere un nivel medio (B2) de Ingles general, la descripción será en inglés. Si puedes entenderla, vas a poder procesar y asimilar bien los contenidos del curso.


Topic 1Legal Profession and Fundamentals: before being able to speak about any particular field of law, students will be briefly informed about the basic day-to-day workings of the legal profession in international (common law) context with focus on differences in legal professionals; their educational backgrounds and key terminology in most common areas of law in order to establish a common starting point (foundation).

Topic 2Contract Law: there are key differences in how international (common law) lawyers (and clients) speak about and understand contracts that any aspiring law student or practicing lawyer should be aware of. Intro to fundamental contract formation terminology and review of key elements of a binding contract.

Topic 3Advanced Contract Law: Remedies and Key Clauses going beyond the fundamentals, this is what students will need to know to be able to deal with contractual disputes as well as effectively read, comprehend, explain and draft key contractual clauses. Study of unusual and controversial contractual disputes that have caught the attention of the media over the last few years.

Topic 4Language of Business & Corporate/Company Law: Introduction to the language of Corporate law with emphasis on different types of business entities; the incorporation process and characteristics of different types of companies; people involved in management of companies and their roles; corporate meetings; share capital and the end of company’s life cycle. Study of different issues that may arise in this context.

Topic 5Corporate Transformations and Regulation: Mergers & Acquisitions, anticompetitive behaviour and negotiation skills practice: Language of Corporate changes with focus on the M&A process as well as discussion of key anti-trust (competition) terminology, particularly relevant in the current international business context. Discussion of challenging recent anti-trust (competition) cases along with negotiating skills practice (in M&A context).

Topic 6Basic tax law terminology: Love it or hate it, tax law forms an integral part of any lawyers’ corporate practice; introduction to basic concepts in the area of personal and company taxation along with study of some of the recent landmark rulings and cases in the area of corporate tax. The controversial topic of tax heavens discussed.

Topic 7Language of Civil Responsibility (Tort law): Often companies or individuals are accused of corporate wrong-doing that results in serious harm or injury to third parties: exploration of key concepts in this area along with study of some of the recent Court rulings that have caught the attention of the world due to the severity of the consequences to the companies involved.

Topic 8Language of Criminal law: In addition to the civil responsibilities, often, criminal charges are also brought by public authorities against corporate entities or individuals; exploration of fundamental terminology and processes in the area of criminal law along with overview of key Court decisions in this area.

Topic 9Language of Court Process: Regardless of the area of corporate (or non-corporate) law that any lawyer may, ultimately, end up practicing, they will need to understand the basics of the functioning of the Courts as well as the language of Court decisions. Brief overview of the fundamental Court-related terminology including key court documents; parties involved in litigation and how to brief court decisions


Se espera que los estudiantes tengan una formación en derecho, por lo que este curso no será sobre la enseñanza del derecho, sino su aplicación a un alto nivel de comunicación escrita y oral a través de una variedad de tareas de lectura, comprensión auditiva y comprensión sobre temas legales. No obstante, se comentarán elementos diferenciadores de la tradición jurídica del common law (de la tradición jurídica del derecho civil). Los estudiantes mejorarán su inglés en esta área a través de: participar activamente en debates sobre temas legales candentes del día; examen de escenas de tribunales; concursos legales interactivos que forman parte del aprendizaje líquido, un componente integral de la metodología de enseñanza online actual (kahoots, quizizz, etc.); familiarizarse con la documentación legal, etc. Esto irá acompañado de videos, ejercicios de listening, textos reales, estudios de casos y tareas escritas. La retroalimentación de 360º será esperada y alentada en todo momento en un ambiente de taller inclusivo, dinámico y altamente participativo.


Mejorar el conocimiento de Ingles Jurídico en todos los ámbitos: comunicación con clientes y otros abogados; comprensión de documentos legales (tal como contratos, acuerdos o decisiones judiciales) y ampliar el abanico de vocabulario/terminología técnica relacionada con derecho (tanto derecho comercial como procesal).

Dirigido a

abogados, profesionales de derecho (paralegals, traductores, etc.) y estudiantes de derecho


El curso tiene un coste de 450 euros y requiere un aforo mínimo de inscritos.

Para inscribirse en el curso ve abajo o póngase en contacto con nosotros para otra forma de pago: