TOLES exam preparation course

Legal English Learning Academy is an official TOLES exam centre in Spain as reflected on its webpage and through this certificate issued by Global Legal English.

For the exam of May 25th, 2023: We are offering an ONLINE course starting February 7th consisting of 20 one-hour sessions twice a week on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 18:00. The course will address the language of all the key areas of law that the TOLES exam focuses on. Given its technical nature, this course requires a medium to medium advanced level of general English (around B2). If you can understand the following description of the course syllabus, you should be able to follow and process well the course materials. 

Lesson Plan

Topic 1 – Legal Profession and Fundamentals: legal education; differences in legal systems and traditions; types of lawyers and different fields of practice, in other words, laying the foundation for the rest of the areas of Legal English to be studied.

Topic 2 – Intro to Contract Lawcontract formation and remedies – studied from the perspective of common law.

Topic 3 – Advanced Contract Law: most fundamental types of clauses and legalese –  getting familiarized with the most common types of contractual clauses and language used in them (legal referencing words, collocations, prepositions, etc.)

Topic 4 – Language of Business & Corporate/Company Law: Introduction to the language of Corporate law with emphasis on different types of business entities; the incorporation process and characteristics of different types of companies; people involved in management of companies and their roles; corporate meetings; share capital and the end of company’s life cycle. Study of different issues that may arise in this context.

Topic 5 – Corporate Transformations: Mergers & Acquisitions: Language of Corporate changes with focus on the M&A and dissolution processes along with people and mechanisms involved in them.

Topic 6 – Language of Civil Responsibility (Tort law): most fundamental concepts in this area of law particularly duty of care, foreseeability, types of torts, etc.

Topic 7 – Language of Employment law: types of dismissals; key concepts in hiring processes; grievance processes, etc.

Topic 8 – Banking law: introduction to the language of banking including types of loans; setting up accounts; people working in finance, etc.

Topic 9 – Legal Writing: introduction to legal writing particularly legal letters, memos and emails.


It is expected that the students come from a background of law so that this course will not be about teaching law but applying it at a high level of written and spoken communication through a variety of reading, listening and comprehension tasks on legal topics. Nevertheless, differentiating elements of the common law legal tradition (from the civil law legal tradition) will be commented on. Students will improve their English in this area through: actively engaging in debates on hot legal issues of the day; examination of courtroom scenes; interactive legal competitions which form part of liquid learning, an integral component of current day’s online teaching methodology (kahoots, quizizz, etc.); becoming familiarized with legal documentation, etc.  This will be accompanied by videos, listening exercises, real texts, case studies and written homework.  360º Feedback will be expected and encouraged at all times in an inclusive, dynamic and highly participative workshop environment.


Maximize your chances of getting the best possible grade on the TOLES exam.

Aimed at

Lawyers, legal professionals (paralegals, translators, etc.) and law students


The course costs 399 euros and requires a minimum number of registered students. Preparation courses are also offered at an individual (private) level at the price of 36 euros / hour of class.

To register see the button below or contact us to make arrangements for other form of payment: